Travel & Happenings
- Nick Colella and Brandon Heuser were out of the shop April 5-8 to work the Imperial Tattoo & Art Festival.
- Nick Colella will be out of the shop April 24-25.
- To book in with any of our tattooers e-mail, call, or swing by the shop as a walk-in. Contact us today.
We are proud to have these new additions on display at the shop. These one of a kind sketches of tattoo legends Tatts Thomas and Ralph Johnstone were done by Jason Minauro as a commission for Nick Colella. Tatts and Ralph both tattooed on State Street in downtown Chicago in the South loop neighborhood. They worked together at different arcades up and down State Street from Van Buren to Harrison. The two main locations being Thomas Studios at 13 W Harrison and also at 414 S South Street. Their time tattooing in Chicago spanned decades. Come by the shop any day of the week between 12-8 to get a closer look at these, as well as the extensive collection of Chicago Tattoo History artifacts that Great Lakes Tattoo is home to.
GLT April 20-21
"Chris Fernandez was born and raised in Miami, Florida. He got into Miami’s art and graffiti world at a young age and learned to tattoo at Ocho Placas Tattoo Company in his hometown. He also worked in Washington D.C. at Tattoo Paradise before joining Kings Avenue. Although he can do many styles, he specializes in classic and traditional tattooing. His designs are reminiscent of the forefathers of tattooing mixed with modernized aspects. Chris paints flash images which are available for tattoos."
Check out more of his work here.
Webbworks Tattoo, FL
GLT April 15-16
"Started in Colorado in early 2008, finished apprenticing in the fall of 2010. Focused on tattoos that are built to last a life time. While at the shop enjoys to educate any client on tattooing so they can carry that on to their next tattoo experience, and to make any clients ideas come true. When not tattooing spends a lot of time painting, drawing, and learning more about the history of tattooing along with studying more about the craft of modern tattooing."
Check out more of his work here.